Cross-modal representation learning and generation
- 2023年28卷第6期 页码:1608-1629
纸质出版日期: 2023-06-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.230035
纸质出版日期: 2023-06-16 ,
刘华峰, 陈静静, 李亮, 鲍秉坤, 李泽超, 刘家瑛, 聂礼强. 2023. 跨模态表征与生成技术. 中国图象图形学报, 28(06):1608-1629
Liu Huafeng, Chen Jingjing, Li Liang, Bao Bingkun, Li Zechao, Liu Jiaying, Nie Liqiang. 2023. Cross-modal representation learning and generation. Journal of Image and Graphics, 28(06):1608-1629
Nowadays, with the booming of multimedia data, the character of multi-source and multi-modality of data has become a challenging problem in multimedia research. Its representation and generation can be as two key factors in cross-modal learning research. Cross-modal representation studies feature learning and information integration methods using multi-modal data. To get more effective feature representation, multimodality-between mutual benefits are required to be strengthened. Cross-modal generation
is focused on the knowledge transfer mechanism across modalities. The modals-between semantic consistency can be used to realize data-interchangeable profiles of different modals. It is beneficial to improve modalities-between migrating ability. The literature review in cross-modal representation and generation are critically analyzed on the aspect of 1) traditional cross-modal representation learning, 2) big model for cross-modal representation learning, 3) image-to-text cross-modal conversion, joint representation, and 4) cross-modal image generation. Traditional cross-modal representation has two categories: joint representation and coordinated representation. Joint representation can yield multiple single-modal information to the joint representation space when each of single-modal information is processed through the coordinated representations, and cross-modal representations can be learnt mutually in terms of similarity constraints. Deep neural networks (DNNs) based self-supervised learning ability are activated to deal with large-scale unlabeled data, especially for the Transformer-based methods. To enrich the supervised learning paradigm, the pre-trained large models can yield large-scale unlabeled data to learn training, and a downstream tasks-derived small amount of labeled data is used for model fine-tuning. The pre-trained model has better versatility and transfering ability compared to the trained model for specific tasks, and the fine-tuned model can be used to optimize downstream tasks as well. The developmentof cross-modal synthesis (a.k.a. image caption or video caption) methods have been summarized, including end-to-end, semantic-based, and stylize-based methods. In addition, current situation of cross-modal conversion between image and text has beenanalyzed, including image caption, video caption, and visual question answering. The cross-modal generation methods are summarized as well in relevance to the joint representation of cross-modal information, image generation, text-image cross-modal generation, and cross-modal generation based on pre-trained models. In recent years, generative adversarial networks (GANs) and denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) have been faciliating in cross-modal generation tasks. Thanks to the strong adaptability and generation ability of DDPM models, cross-modal generation research can be developed and the constraints of vulnerable textures are optimized to a certain extent. The growth of GAN-based and DDPM-based methods are summarized and analyzed further.
multimedia technologycross-modal learningfoundation modelcross-modal representationcross-modal generationdeep learning
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