Multi-modal visual tracking: a survey
- 2023年28卷第1期 页码:37-56
纸质出版日期: 2023-01-16 ,
录用日期: 2022-07-15
DOI: 10.11834/jig.220578
纸质出版日期: 2023-01-16 ,
录用日期: 2022-07-15
李成龙, 鹿安东, 刘磊, 汤进. 多模态视觉跟踪方法综述[J]. 中国图象图形学报, 2023,28(1):37-56.
Chenglong Li, Andong Lu, Lei Liu, Jin Tang. Multi-modal visual tracking: a survey[J]. Journal of Image and Graphics, 2023,28(1):37-56.
Visual tracking can be as one of the key tasks in computer vision applications like surveillance
robotics and automatic driving in the past decades. The performance issue for visual tracking is still challenged of the quality of visible light data in adverse scenes
such as low illumination
background clutter
haze and smog. To deal with the imaging constraints of visible light data
current researches are focused on multiple modal data-introduced in common. The visible and modal data integration can be effective in tracking performance in terms of the manner of thermal infrared
event and language. Benefiting from the integrated capability of visible and multi-modal data
multi-modal trackers have been developing intensively in such complicated scenarios of those are low illumination
fast motion and semantic ambiguity. Nowadays
our executive summary is focused on reviewing the RGB and thermal infrared(RGBT) tracking algorithms
which is oriented for the popular visible-infrared visual tracking towards multi-modal visual tracking. Existing multi-modal visual tracking-based summaries are concerned of the segmentation of tracking algorithms in terms of multi-framework tracking or multi-level based fusions derived of pixel
and decision. With respect of the information fusion plays a key role in multi-modal visual tracking
we divide and analyze existing RGBT tracking methods from the perspective of information fusion
including synthesized and specific-based fusions. Specifically
the fusion-integrated can be used to combine all multimodal information together via different fusion methods
including: 1) sparse representation fusion
2) collaborative graph representation fusion
3) modality-synthesized and modality-specific information fusion
and 4) attribute-based feature decoupling fusion. First
sparse representation fusion has a good ability to suppress feature noise
but most of these algorithms are restricted by the time-consuming online optimization of the sparse representation models. In addition
these methods can be used as target representation via pixel values
and thus have low robustness in complex scenes. Second
collaborative graph representation fusion can be used to suppress the effect of background clutter in terms of modality weights and local image patch weights. However
these methods are required for multi-variables optimization iteratively
and the tracking efficiency is quite lower. Furthermore
these models are required to use color and gradient features
which are better than pixel values but also hard to deal with challenging scenarios. Third
modality-synthesized and modality-specific information fusion can use be used to model modality-synthesized and modality-specific representations based on different sub-networks and provide an effective fusion strategy for tracking. However
these methods are lack of the information interaction in the learning of modality-specific representations
and thus introduce noises and redundancy easily. Fourth
attribute-based feature decoupling fusion can be applied to model the target representations under different attributes
and it alleviates the dependence on large-scale training data more. However
it is difficult to cover all challenging problems in practical applications. Although these fusion-synthesized methods have achieved good tracking performance
all multiple modalities information-synthesized have to introduce the information redundancy and feature noises inevitably. To resolve these problems
some researches have been concerned of fusion-specific methods in RGBT tracking. This sort of fusion is aimed to mine the specific features of multiple modalities for effective and efficient information fusion
including: 1) feature-selected fusion
2) attention-mechanism-based adaptive fusion
3)mutual-enhanced fusion
and 4)other fusion-specific methods. Feature selection fusion is employed to select specific features in regular. It can not only avoid the interference of data noises and is beneficial to improving tracking performance
but also eliminate data redundancy. However
the selection criteria are hard to be designed
and unsuitable criterion often removes useful information under low-quality data and thus limits tracking performance. Adaptive fusion is aimed to estimate the reliability of multi-modal data in term of attention mechanism
including the modality
spatial and channel reliabilities
and thus achieves the adaptive fusion of multi-modal information. However
there is no clear supervision to generate these weights-reliable
which is possible to mislead the estimated results in complex scenarios. Mutual enhancement fusion is focused on data noises-related suppression for low-quality modality and its features can be enhanced between the specific information and other modality. These methods can be implemented to mine the specific information of multiple modalities and improve target representations of low-quality modalities. However
these methods are complicated and have low tracking efficiency.The task of multi-modal vision tracking has three sub-tasks besides RGBT tracking
including: 1) visible-depth tracking (called RGB and depth(RGBD) tracking)
2) visible-event tracking (called RGBE(RGB and event) tracking)
3) visible-language tracking (called RGB and language(RGBL) tracking). We review these three multi-modal visual tracking issues in brief as well. Furthermore
we predict some academic challenges and future directions for multi-modal visual tracking.
information fusionvisual trackingmultiple modalitiescombinative fusiondiscriminative fusion
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