Foggy ship re-identification network based on multiple feature cascade enhancement and cross-layer adaptive fusion
- 2025年 页码:1-14
网络出版日期: 2025-01-23 ,
录用日期: 2025-01-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.240646
网络出版日期: 2025-01-23 ,
录用日期: 2025-01-16
孙伟, 管菲, 张小瑞, 沈欣怡. 多元特征级联增强和跨层自适应融合的雾天船舶重识别网络[J/OL]. 中国图象图形学报, 2025,1-14.
SUN WEI, GUAN FEI, ZHANG XIAORUI, SHEN XINYI. Foggy ship re-identification network based on multiple feature cascade enhancement and cross-layer adaptive fusion. [J/OL]. Journal of image and graphics, 2025, 1-14.
在数据集Warships-Foggy上将本文提出的方法和已有的方法进行了对比实验和消融实验,以评估所提出的DFNet网络模型的性能。实验结果显示,本文所提出的方法的平均精度均值(mean average precision, mAP)为92.39%,累计匹配曲线(Cumulative matching characteristic,CMC)在排名前1、5、10的结果分别为94.35%、97.58%和98.39%,表明所提出的网络模型提高了船舶匹配的准确率,表现出了优异的性能。
In the field of maritime navigation and surveillance, ship re-identification (ReID) technologies play a crucial role. Their core object is to accurately retrieve other images of the same ship captured by different cameras from a given ship image in the database. These technologies can be regarded as a key sub-problem in the field of image retrieval, showing extensive application prospects and significant practical value in various fields such as maritime traffic monitoring, continuous ship tracking, and maritime criminal investigation. With the increasingly busy maritime traffic and the frequent occurrence of complex weather, ship ReID in foggy weather has become an urgent technical problem to be solved. Most existing ship ReID methods are only applicable under sunny days. In foggy environment, ship images often suffer from blurred features and loss of details, posing significant challenges for accurate ship identification. To address this issue, a foggy ship ReID network DFNet based on multiple feature cascade enhancement and cross-layer adaptive fusion is proposed.
Aiming to address the challenge of identifying fuzzy and difficult-to-discern ship features in foggy images, a multiple feature cascade enhancement (MFCE) module is proposed. By extracting the ship’s overall and local multiple features, we solve the problem of image blur and detail loss caused by fog. In the local fine processing, convolution and sigmoid activation function are used to generate weights to weight each pixel of the input feature map, emphasizing the ship’s key details in the input feature map (such as hull edges, structural lines, logo text, etc.). This process is conducive to reducing the fuzzy influence of fog on image details, so that the ship’s key features are enhanced and can still be clearly presented in foggy weather. At the global awareness level, global feature vectors are generated by global average pooling and full connection layer, and then applied to the input feature map by weight extension. This global context information enables the ship's overall shape and position to be accurately captured in foggy images, and enhances the clarity of the ship's overall outline. Furthermore, a cross-layer adaptive feature fusion (CAFF) module is proposed, which predicts the importance of shallow and deep features of ResNet50 network through adaptive weights, and then integrates these features across layers. Based on the ResNet50 network design, CAFF aims to transfer the deep semantic information layer by layer to the lower level feature map, so as to improve the richness of the multi-scale feature representation of ships. In order to achieve effective fusion of feature graphs at different levels, multiple 1x1 convolution layers are used to adjust channels, ensuring channel consistency before feature fusion. Then, bilinear interpolation is used to gradually up-sample the spatial dimension of the deep feature map to the same as that of the shallow layer, so as to achieve spatial alignment and avoid the information loss caused by spatial misalignment. After the spatial alignment of feature maps, the method of gradual addition is adopted for feature fusion, which can not only retain the shallow rich detail information, but also integrate the deep high-level semantic information, which is conducive to realizing the complementarity and enhancement of multi-level features. Then, the feature maps of each level are transformed into feature vectors through global average pooling, and these feature vectors are combined to form a comprehensive feature representation that integrates multi-level and multi-scale information. Because the features of different levels of the network are affected to different degrees under foggy weather, it is difficult to flexibly deal with complex and changeable foggy scenarios by directly blending them with equal weights. Therefore, an adaptive weight predictor is designed in this paper, which is composed of multiple fully connected layers and is used to process the feature input composed of multi-level feature vectors. In addition, a new dataset specifically designed for foggy ship ReID, named Warships-Foggy, is constructed. By adjusting the parameters in the atmospheric scattering model, we synthesize ship images under various foggy conditions to simulate real foggy scenes. This effectively addresses the challenge of training and evaluating ship ReID models in foggy environments.
The comparison experiments and ablation experiments are carried out on the dataset Warships-Foggy, including comparison of functions of DFNet modules, comparison of the function of each module in MFCE, comparison of different amounts of MFE and DenseBlock integration in MFCE, effectiveness of adaptive weight predictor in CAFF, validity of Dropout layer parameters in adaptive weight predictor in CAFF and comparison of performance of different network models on Warships-Foggy dataset. The mean average precision (mAP) is 92.39%, while the cumulative matching characteristic (CMC) for the top 1, 5, and 10 ranks are 94.35%, 97.58% and 98.39%, respectively. The experimental results show that the proposed network model improves the accuracy of ship matching and shows excellent performance.
The network model proposed in this paper combines the two tasks of image feature enhancement and ship weight recognition for the first time, and realizes ship weight recognition with high precision.
Foggy ship re-identification(ReID)feature enhancementAdaptive weightfeature fusionResNet50
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