A Non-Causal Selective State Space Model for Image Restoration
- 2024年 页码:1-14
网络出版日期: 2024-12-30
DOI: 10.11834/jig.240517
网络出版日期: 2024-12-30 ,
Xiao Jie,Fan Zihao,Li Dong,et al.A Non-Causal Selective State Space Model for Image Restoration[J].Journal of Image and Graphics,
图像复原是计算机视觉领域的经典研究问题。选择性状态空间模型(Selective State Space Models, SSMs)因其高效的序列建模能力,被广泛应用于各类图像复原任务。另一方面,非局部图像块之间存在依赖关系,能够辅助提升复原性能。然而,传统SSMs采用确定性的令牌(Token)扫描方式,仅能提取令牌序列的单向依赖关系。此时,令牌间的关系建模因在序列中的先后顺序受到因果性制约,这与图像块之间的非因果相互关系形成冲突,限制了复原性能的进一步提升。针对此问题,提出一种面向图像复原的非因果选择性状态空间模型,旨在赋予SSMs建模令牌之间非因果依赖关系的能力。
为解决SSMs在因果性建模与图像内容非因果关系之间的矛盾,提出了随机扫描策略,突破了传统扫描方式在因果性和空间限制上的局限,实现了令牌序列之间的非因果建模。具体而言,构建了随机重排和逆重排函数,实现了非固定次序下的令牌扫描,有效建模了不同令牌之间的非因果依赖关系。此外,针对图像退化干扰存在空间尺度变化和形态结构复杂的特点,融合多尺度先验构建了具有局部与全局信息互补性的非因果Mamba模型(Non-Causal Mamba, NCMamba),实现了对于各类图像复原任务的有效适配。
实验分别在图像去噪、去模糊和去阴影任务上进行,验证了所提非因果建模和局部-全局互补策略的有效性。例如,与现有方法相比,所提模型在图像去阴影数据集SRD上的峰值信噪比提升了0.86 dB。
Image restoration plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of degraded images and boosting the efficacy of downstream applications such as image segmentation, object detection, and autonomous driving. This problem centers on reconstructing a high-quality image from its compromised version, tackling various distortions like noise, blur, and compression artifacts. In the era of deep learning, the effectiveness of image restoration techniques has experienced remarkable enhancements, largely due to the development of sophisticated models including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), graph models, and Vision Transformers tailored for complex image degradation scenarios. A recently introduced selective state space model, known as Mamba, has propelled significant progress across domains like natural language processing and computer vision. Mamba distinguishes itself with its robust expressive modeling capabilities, enabling it to adeptly capture and depict intricate data patterns. Moreover, Mamba offers enhanced computational efficiency and a reduced memory footprint, surpassing previous models. To utilize Mamba for image processing, one must extract tokens from images. Following token acquisition, Mamba models the interactions and dependencies along the token sequence. Mamba leverages advanced state space modeling to decode an image's structure and semantics by analyzing token interactions. In image restoration, tokens represent image patches, and their dependencies are typically considered non-causal, allowing interactions regardless of spatial distance. The existing deterministic token scanning in selective state space models, which imposes a causal relationship and one-way interactions, conflicts with this non-causal approach. This mismatch may constrain the potential of these models in image restoration, affecting their performance. To bridge this gap, we introduce NCMamba, a novel model that reconciles the causal bias of selective state space models with the non-causal nature of image patch interactions. Our research validates NCMamba's effectiveness across diverse image restoration challenges.
To mitigate the contradiction between the inherent causal relationships of the selective state space model and the non-causal relationships among spatial image patches, we introduce a stochastic scanning strategy for tokens. This innovative method deviates from traditional deterministic scanning techniques, effectively eliminating the intrinsic causal constraints. This approach facilitates a more comprehensive and nuanced modeling of the spatial relationships within image patches, significantly boosting the model's capability to perform high-quality image restoration. The strategy employs a random shuffle function to disrupt the linear arrangement of tokens, ensuring that each token pair's interaction likelihood is equalized, thereby enabling the model to effectively capture non-causal dependencies. An inverse shuffle function complements this approach by reordering the tokens to their original sequence, aiding in precise image reconstruction. Specifically, the random shuffle function stochastically permutes the token sequence, eradicating the concept of “distance” between tokens and treating all tokens equally post-shuffle. The relationship between every token pair then has the same probability of being processed directly by the selective state space model. Following this, the inverse shuffle function restores the shuffled tokens to their original order, facilitating the accurate reconstitution of the image's data structure. Combining multi-scale, local relationship, and global relationship priors, our proposed model, dubbed NCMamba (Non-Causal Mamba), integrates local-global complementary modeling within a UNet structure, showcasing general modeling capability for diverse image restoration tasks.
NCMamba was tested across multiple datasets, focusing on image denoising, deblurring, and shadow removal. The experiments demonstrate that NCMamba consistently outperforms established models like CNNs and Vision Transformers. Notably, on the SRD dataset for image shadow removal, NCMamba achieved a PSNR improvement of 0.86dB over the ShadowDiffusion method. Additionally, ablation studies further validated the effectiveness of our non-causal modeling and local-global complementary strategies.
This study introduces NCMamba, a tailored selective state space model designed for image restoration. Our extensive testing confirms its superiority over traditional models, establishing it as a robust solution for complex image restoration tasks. The empirical evidence underscores NCMamba's capability to deliver significant improvements in image quality under various conditions.
Image restorationSelective state space modelNon-causal modelingMulti-scale modelingImage processing
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