FIFLNet: A Lightweight Change Detection Network Integrating Feature Interaction and Fusion
- 2024年 页码:1-13
网络出版日期: 2024-08-15
DOI: 10.11834/jig.240280
网络出版日期: 2024-08-15 ,
Wang Renfang,Yang Zijian,Qiu Hong,et al.FIFLNet: A Lightweight Change Detection Network Integrating Feature Interaction and Fusion[J].Journal of Image and Graphics,
提出了一种融合特征交互和融合的轻量级变化检测网络(feature interaction and fusion lightweight network, FIFLNet)。解码器中采用EfficientNet作为特征提取网络,其能利用模型的放缩(model scaling)能力来扩大模型的感受野。然后通过设计通道、像素交互模块(spatial and channel interact block)和浅层跳跃连接(low-level skip-connection)来实现浅层双时相的细节特征交互和上采样阶段的传递,以此增加模型对局部特征的判别精度。此外,利用特征融合分组卷积模块(feature fusion and groups convolution block,FFGCB)对双时相数据进行降维融合,来降低模型计算量。最后,设计了融合上采样模块(fusion upsampling block,FUB)对局部特征与全局特征进行融合还原,同时利用局部特征的细节、纹理来补偿全局特征细节的缺失。
Change detection in remote sensing imagery is a process that leverages remote sensing technology to compare and analyze images from the same geographical area but captured at different time intervals. The primary objective of this process is to identify changes on the Earth’s surface. The main challenge in this process is the extraction of effective change features from a large volume of image data and subsequently mapping them onto pixel-level change labels for high-precision detection. Methods for detecting changes in remote sensing imagery can be broadly divided into traditional and deep learning-based methods. Traditional methods primarily rely on image processing and pattern recognition techniques. However, these methods often require manual selection of suitable features and thresholds, which can introduce a degree of subjectivity and limitations. On the other hand, deep learning methods have the ability to automatically learn abstract and high-level change features from remote sensing images, thereby enabling end-to-end change detection. This significantly enhances the accuracy and efficiency of change detection. Among these, change detection models based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Transformer architectures have shown remarkable performance. Models that utilize these mechanisms have seen significant advancements in recent years, thanks to the extensive research conducted by scholars worldwide. However, for the currently effective models based on the Transformer architecture, as the detection accuracy of the model improves, the complexity of the model also increases. Therefore, designing a change detection method with a small parameter size, low computational cost, and high detection accuracy is a pressing issue that urgently needs to be addressed in this field.
This paper proposes a lightweight change detection method for remote sensing images based on feature interaction and fusion. The main idea of this method is to use EfficientNet B7 as a lightweight backbone network to extract both deep and low-level features from bi-temporal remote sensing images. To enhance the spatio-temporal feature fusion, we introduce channel swap and pixel swap modules to enable the interaction and combination of bi-temporal features. To preserve more edge and texture details and reduce artifact generation, we employ low-level skip-connections to transfer the original image information to the up-sampling phase. To effectively fuse the deep and low-level features obtained in the down-sampling stage, we design a feature fusion group convolution module that reduces the computational overhead and the number of parameters. Finally, we use the feature fusion group convolution module and the up-sampling module to fuse and recover the deep and low-level features, and generate the pixel-level change detection map.
In this paper, we conducted experiments on two datasets for remote sensing image change detection LEVIR-CD and SYSU-CD. We split each dataset into 7:1:2 for training, validation and testing, and segmented each image into 256×256 pixels. This facilitated the processing and increased the generalization ability of the model. We used the binary cross entropy (BCELoss) as the loss function, and evaluated the performance of our proposed method using three metrics: F1 score (F1), Intersection Over Union (IoU), and Overall Accuracy (OA). Our method achieved F1 scores of 91.51% and 82.19%, IoU 84.35% and 69.76%, and OA of 99.14% and 91.99% on the LEVIR-CD and SYSU-CD datasets, respectively. Compared with previous classical methods, such as DSIFN, DTCDSCN, STANet, SNUNet, BiT, Changeformer, DDPM-CD, USSFC-Net, ELGC-Net, LRNet, etc., our model obtained the best change detection results, especially preserving more details on the change boundary. To illustrate the effect of low-level skip-connections and channel and spatial exchange modules, we also performed ablation experiments on the same dataset. The results showed that the channel and spatial exchange module significantly optimized the utilization and representation of spatio-temporal features in the network, while the low-level skip-connection compensated for the loss of detailed features in the downsampling process and further enhanced the feature learning capability of the network.
our network used channel and spatial exchange modules to increase the utilization and understanding of spatio-temporal features, and low-level skip-connections to focus the model on local detailed features. Finally, we used a binary cross-entropy loss function at the output layer to achieve optimal change detection performance. Experiments show that the method proposed in this paper can improve the ability of recognizing changing regions while ensuring a light network, and can improve the detection performance of change detection in various environments and terrains.
Remote sensingChange detectionLocal featureFeature interactLight network
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