Distribution-aware mean teacher networks for semi-supervised medical image segmentation
- 2025年30卷第2期 页码:575-588
纸质出版日期: 2025-02-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.240208
纸质出版日期: 2025-02-16 ,
赵小明, 石培炼, 王丹丹, 付有瑶, 张石清, 方江雄. 2025. 分布感知均值教师网络的半监督医学影像分割. 中国图象图形学报, 30(02):0575-0588
Zhao Xiaoming, Shi Peilian, Wang Dandan, Fu Youyao, Zhang Shiqing, Fang Jiangxiong. 2025. Distribution-aware mean teacher networks for semi-supervised medical image segmentation. Journal of Image and Graphics, 30(02):0575-0588
提出一种采用分布感知的均值教师网络 (distribution-aware mean teacher network,DAMTN)用于半监督医学影像分割。该方法利用标记数据和未标记数据的分布信息来指导模型的学习,以便在训练阶段使模型对标记和未标记数据的分割结果的分布尽可能相似。该方法采用老师—学生的网络架构,并嵌入了不同的注意力模块,以及分布感知(distribution-aware,DA)模块、完整性监督(integrity supervision,IS)模块和不确定性最小化(uncertainty minimization,UM)模块。
在MICCAI 2018(Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society)左心房分割挑战LA(left atrium)数据集和胰腺CT(computed tomography)数据集上的实验结果表明,该方法使用左心房10%标记数据时,获得的Dice系数、Jaccard指数、HD(Hausdorff distance)和ASD(average surface distance)分别为88.55%、79.62%、9.07和3.08,与基于不确定性的协同均值教师(uncertainty-guided collaborative mean teacher,UCMT)相比,Dice系数和Jaccard指数分别提高了0.42%和0.44%;而使用左心房20%标记数据时,获得的Dice系数、Jaccard指数、HD距离和ASD距离分别为90.55%、82.82%、5.78和1.77,与UCMT相比,Dice系数和Jaccard指数分别提高了0.14%和0.28%。该方法使用胰腺CT 10%标记数据时,获得的Dice系数、Jaccard指数、HD和ASD分别为70.20%、56.36%、15.64和3.57,与基于不确定性的互补一致性学习(uncertainty-guided mutual consistency learning,UG-MCL)相比,Dice系数和Jaccard指数分别提高了0.94%和1.06%;而使用胰腺CT 20%标记数据时,获得的Dice系数、Jaccard指数、HD距离和ASD距离分别为77.89%、64.92%、7.97和1.65,与UG-MCL相比,Dice系数和Jaccard指数分别提高了2.77%和3.34%。在ACDC(automated cardiac diagnosis challenge)数据集上的实验结果也表明了该方法的优越性。
Medical image segmentation has great potential for application in clinical diagnosis. Although supervised medical image segmentation models can achieve good segmentation results, they rely heavily on pixel-level annotated training data. However, acquiring labeled data is costly and can only be performed by experts. In particular, in the case of 3D medical datasets, the annotation process is more intricate and time-consuming than in 2D datasets. Semi-supervised learning is an effective solution that combines labeled and unlabeled data for improved segmentation results. However, existing semi-supervised methods do not address the performance impact caused by the distribution gap between labeled and unlabeled data, especially when the proportion of labeled data is low.
A distribution-aware mean teacher network (DAMTN) is proposed for semi-supervised medical image segmentation to reduce the performance impact caused by the distribution gap between labeled and unlabeled data. This method utilizes the distribution information of both labeled and unlabeled data to guide the learning of the model, aiming to ensure that the segmentation results of labeled and unlabeled data have similar distributions during the training phase. The DAMTN adopts a teacher-student architecture, consisting of a teacher model and a student model. In addition, both the teacher model and the student model’s network architectures are based on the V-N
et design, which includes an encoder and three decoders. The residual connections between the encoder and decoder have been removed. The decoders are differentiated by embedding different attention modules, which are used to introduce perturbations at the model level. These attention methods, including cross-sampling mutual attention (CMA), position attention (PA), and channel attention (CA), are employed to process high-level features. The CMA is used for inter-sample feature interaction and alignment, the PA is employed to handle spatial position information in the feature maps, the CA is utilized to address channel correlations in the feature maps, and the DAMTN comprises three key modules: the distribution-aware (DA) module, integrity supervision (IS), and uncertainty minimization (UM) module. These three modules compute the losses for the outputs of the student model, and the outputs of the teacher model are used to calculate the consistency loss with the corresponding outputs of the student model. The DA module encourages the model to learn features when the distribution information from labeled and unlabeled data is similar. Each decoder branch is equipped with a dual normalization block consisting of two normalization layers (
<math id="M1"><msub><mrow><mi>B</mi></mrow><mrow><mn mathvariant="normal">0</mn></mrow></msub></math>
<math id="M2"><msub><mrow><mi>B</mi></mrow><mrow><mn mathvariant="normal">1</mn></mrow></msub></math>
) to obtain the distribution information of labeled and unlabeled data.
<math id="M3"><msub><mrow><mi>B</mi></mrow><mrow><mn mathvariant="normal">0</mn></mrow></msub></math>
handles the unlabeled data, whereas
<math id="M4"><msub><mrow><mi>B</mi></mrow><mrow><mn mathvariant="normal">1</mn></mrow></msub></math>
handles the labeled data. The IS module supervises the predicted mean of the branches and encourages the model to focus on challenging regions, further reducing the differences between branches. The UM module aims to balance the uncertainty of different attention branches, thereby making the predictions
of all branches more consistent and improving the model’s confidence. The student model incorporates an IS module and a UM module during the training phase to improve the segmentation results, thereby ensuring the consistency and accuracy of the outputs from the three decoders. During the testing phase, the student model takes the average output of the three decoders as its final output. In addition, the parameters of the student model are updated by the optimizer, whereas the parameters of the teacher model are updated using the exponential moving average.
Experiments were conducted on the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society 2018(MICCAI 2018)—Left Atrial Segmentation Challenge(LA) dataset and the Pancreas CT dataset. In the experiment with 10% labeled data for left atrium segmentation, the Dice coefficient, Jaccard index, Hausdorff distance (HD), and average surface distance (ASD) were 88.55%, 79.62%, 9.07, and 3.08, respectively. In the experiment with 20% labeled data for the left atrium, the Dice coefficient, Jaccard index, HD, and ASD were 90.55%, 82.82%, 5.78, and 1.77, respectively. For the LA dataset, when trained with 10% labeled data, compared with those of the uncertainty-guided collaborative mean teacher (UCMT), the Dice coefficient and Jaccard index improved by 0.42% and 0.44%, respectively. For the LA dataset, when trained with 20% labeled data, compared with those of the UCMT, the Dice coefficient and Jaccard index improved by 0.14% and 0.28%, respectively. In the experiment with 10% labeled data for Pancreas CT, the Dice coefficient, Jaccard index, HD, and ASD were 70.20%, 56.36%, 15.64, and 3.57, respectively. In the experiment with 20% labeled data for Pancreas CT, the Dice coefficient, Jaccard index, HD, and ASD were 77.89%, 64.92%, 7.97, and 1.65, respectively. For the Pancreas dataset, when trained with 10% labeled data, compared with uncertainty-guided mutual consistency learning (UG-MCL), the Dice coefficient and Jaccard index improved by 0.94% and 1.06%, respectively. Additionally, compared with those of the mutual consistency network (MC-Net), the Dice coefficient and Jaccard index improved by 3.70% and 4.00%, respectively. For the Pancreas dataset, when trained with 20% labeled data, compared with UG-MCL, the Dice coefficient and Jaccard index improved by 2.77% and 3.34%, respectively. Additionally, compared with those of MC-Net, the Dice coefficient and Jaccard index improved by 0.73% and 0.61%, respectively. Additionally, the experimental results on the automated cardiac diagnosis challenge(ACDC) dataset also demonstrate the superiority of this method.
The model proposed in this study is based on the teacher-student framework, incorporates attention mechanisms, and leverages the distribution information of both labeled and unlabeled data to constrain the student model. It effectively addresses the distribution gap between labeled and unlabeled data, reducing its impact on performance and improving segmentation results. In particular, when labeled data are scarce, this model outperforms other semi-supervised segmentation methods in terms of segmentation performance.
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