Semantic and consistent neural radiance field reconstruction method based on intrinsic decomposition via classification
- 2025年30卷第2期 页码:559-574
纸质出版日期: 2025-02-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.240140
纸质出版日期: 2025-02-16 ,
曾志鸿, 王宗继, 张源奔, 蔡伟南, 张利利, 郭岩, 刘俊义. 2025. 利用本征属性分类的神经辐射场视角及语义一致性重建. 中国图象图形学报, 30(02):0559-0574
Zeng Zhihong, Wang Zongji, Zhang Yuanben, Cai Weinan, Zhang Lili, Guo Yan, Liu Junyi. 2025. Semantic and consistent neural radiance field reconstruction method based on intrinsic decomposition via classification. Journal of Image and Graphics, 30(02):0559-0574
基于神经辐射场(neural radiance field,NeRF)的3D场景重建与新视角生成工作正受到研究者的广泛重视,然而现有的神经辐射场方法通常对给定的场景进行高度专门化的表征,且将场景的几何与外观表征为“混合场”,这对场景的几何与外观编辑、场景泛化和3D资源的使用造成了不便。
相比于现有的基于神经辐射场的学习进行本征分解的Intrinsic NeRF方法,在Replica数据集中的充分实验表明,在有限的GPU显存和运行时间下,重建的本征属性神经辐射场具备语义及视角间一致性。针对提升语义一致性的前点优胜模块,本文方法在基线模型Semantic NeRF的基础上提高了4.1%,在未加入该模块的基础上提高了 3.9%。针对提升本征分解语义及视角间一致性的颜色分类模块,本文方法在Intrinsic NeRF的本征分解工作基础上提升了10.2%,在未加入颜色分类层的基础上提升了1.7%。
Reconstruction of indoor and outdoor 3D scenes and placement of 3D resources in the real world constitute important development directions in the field of computer vision. Early researchers used voxel, occupancy, grid, and other computer graphics representation methods to achieve good results in terms of storage and rendering efficiency in a variety of mature application areas. However, these methods require time-consuming and laborious manual modeling, experienced modelers, and considerable time and energy. The time-consuming, laborious, and difficult modeling process must be simplified to enhance the application prospects in the 3D scene reconstruction field. By invoking and calculating the implicit field representation, researchers can obtain a realistic scene end-to-end, eliminating the complicated process of traditional modeling. The neural radiance field (NeRF) is the most popular implicit field representation method. Compared with other implicit field methods, the neural implicit field is known for its simplicity and ease of use, but its problems still exist and are rooted in the defects of the implicit field itself. The implicit field is a multidimensional function defined on spatial and directional coordinates, which codifies the geometry of the scene together with the appearance color, resulting in the entangled representation of the independent attributes of the target, causing inconvenience to the application of 3D resources. An important direction regarding implicit fields is “disentanglement” between geometry and appearance. First, the intrinsic decomposition uses some physical priors to avoid the initialization of complex networks. Second, the image is preprocessed into an albedo image independent of the observation direction and a shading image dependent on that. Intrinsic NeRF was the first to apply intrinsic decomposition methods in NeRF, but the decomposition they have used could not produce more reasonable appearance editing results.
In this study, a NeRF classification network is proposed to learn the intrinsic properties of objects an
d target characteristics. It separates specular factors from 2D images via the image enhancement method, extracts the intrinsic colors (performs intrinsic decomposition) via the classification method, and then presents shading maps and direct illuminations of semantic-level objects in scenes via intrinsic decomposition expression. On this basis, the NeRF is learned, and the semantic consistency is provided with the help of “the front-point dominance module”, which is a module from the volume rendering stage that optimizes the albedo by “front points”. The consistency between views of the scene is provided with the help of “the color classification layer module”, which is a fully connected neural network from the reconstruction stage that fixes the albedo between different perspectives. Finally, a neural radiation field representing the intrinsic properties of the scene is reconstructed. After the rays are obtained by the internal and external parameters of the image, the positions of the sampling points and the directions of the rays are calculated in the neural network, producing the corresponding 3D properties. In the embedding layer, the position and direction are embedded and transformed into high-dimensional embedding features, which are the inputs of the network. After the 8-layer fully connected multilayer perceptron, the network outputs a 1-dimensional volume density, a 256-dimensional feature vector, and an
-dimensional semantic vector (where
is the number of semantic classes). The 256-dimensional feature vectors are then input into each 1-layer fully connected network to obtain color, a shading map, and direct illumination. In the inference stage, the model uses the Monte Carlo integral method to transform properties based on sampling points into properties based on rays (i.e., pixels), resulting in a synthetic result of the novel view. The model can disentangle attributes independent of and dependent on the observer. The resulting albedo output has semantic and mult
iview consistency independent of the observation direction. The implicit field shows good generalization for appearance and supports scene recoloring, relighting, and editing for shadows and specular factors.
Compared with the existing Intrinsic NeRF method for intrinsic decomposition based on NeRF learning, experiments on the Replica dataset show that under limited GPU memory and running time, this work can obtain intrinsic decomposition results with semantic and multiview consistency. For the “front-point dominance module”, which ensures semantic consistency, this work improves the performance by 4.1% compared with that of the Semantic NeRF. The ablation study revealed an improvement of 3.9% over the baseline model. For the “color classification layer module”, which improves semantic multiview consistency, this work improves the Intrinsic NeRF’s intrinsic decomposition method by 10.2% and the baseline model by 1.7%.
A novel NeRF classification network that can learn the intrinsic properties of objects and target characteristics is proposed. Experiments show that the work in this study can produce intrinsic decomposition results with semantic and multiview consistency. Moreover, an implicit field of albedo classification is constructed, which can describe the geometric relationship of complex scenes and shows good generalization for appearance. Realistic and multiview-consistent effects are achieved in tasks of scene recoloring, relighting, and shadow and specular factor editing.
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