Combining dilated convolution and multiscale fusion temporal action detection
- 2025年30卷第2期 页码:406-420
纸质出版日期: 2025-02-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.240098
纸质出版日期: 2025-02-16 ,
程勇, 高园元, 王军, 杨玲, 许小龙, 程遥, 张开华. 2025. 结合扩张卷积与多尺度融合的实时时空动作检测. 中国图象图形学报, 30(02):0406-0420
Cheng Yong, Gao Yuanyuan, Wang Jun, Yang Ling, Xu Xiaolong, Cheng Yao, Zhang Kaihua. 2025. Combining dilated convolution and multiscale fusion temporal action detection. Journal of Image and Graphics, 30(02):0406-0420
时空动作检测任务旨在预测视频片段中所有动作的时空位置及对应类别。然而,现有方法大多关注行动者的视觉和动作特征,忽视与行动者交互的全局上下文信息。针对当前方法的不足,提出一种结合扩张卷积与多尺度融合的高效时空动作检测模型(efficient action detector,EAD)。
实验在数据集UCF101-24和AVA(atomic visual actions)中进行,分析了EAD与现有算法之间的检测对比结果。在UCF101-24数据集上的帧平均准确度(frame-mAP)和视频平均准确度(video-mAP)分别为80.93%和50.41%,对于基线方法的漏检、错检现象有所改善;在AVA数据集上的frame-mAP达到15.92%,同时保持较低的计算开销。
Spatial-temporal action detection (STAD) represents a significant challenge in the field of video understanding. The objective is to identify the temporal and spatial localization of actions occurring in a video and categorize related action classes. The majority of existing methods rely on the backbone for the feature modeling of video clips, which captures only local features and ignores the global contextual information of the interaction with the actors. The results are represented by a model that cannot fully comprehend the nuances of the entire scene. The current mainstream methods for real-time STAD tasks are dual-stream network-based methods. However, a simple channel-by-channel connection is typically employed to handle dual-branch network fusion, which results in a significant redundancy of the fused features and certain semantic differences in the branch features. This scheme affects the accuracy of the model. Here, an efficient STAD model called the efficient action detector (EAD), which can address the shortcomings of current methods, is proposed.
The EAD model consists of three key components: the 2D branch, the 3D branch, and the fusion head. Among them, the 2D branch consists of a pretrained 2D backbone network, feature pyramid, and decoupling head; the 3D branch consists of a 3D backbone network and augmentation module; and the fusion head consists of a multiscale feature fusion unit (MSFFU) and a prediction head. First, key frames are extracted from the video clips and fed into the pretrained 2D branch backbone (YOLOv7) to detect the actors in the scene and obtain spatially decoupled features, which are classification features and localization features. Video spatial-temporal features are extracted from video clips via a pretrained lightweight video backbone network (Shufflenetv2). Second, the lightweight spatial dilated augmented module (LSDAM) uses the grouping idea to address spatial-temporal features, which serves to save resources. LSDAM consists of a dilated module (DM) and a spatial augmented module (SAM). The DM employs dilatation convolution with different dilation rates, which fully aggregates contextual feature information and reduces the loss of spatial resolution. The SAM takes the key information in the global features captured via the DM to focus and enhance the expression of the target features. The LSDAM receives the spatial-temporal features and sends them first to the DM to expand the sensory field, then subsequently to the SAM to extract the key information, and finally to the global, low-noise contextual information. Then, the enhanced features are dimensionally aligned with the spatially separated features and fed into the MSFFU for feature fusion. The MSFFU module refines the feature information via multiscale fusion and reduces the redundancy of the fused features, which enables the model to better understand the information in the whole scene. The MSFFU performs multiple levels of feature extraction for the double-branching features by utilizing different DO-Conv structures, and the individual MSFFU uses different DO-Conv structures to extract features from the dual-branch features at multiple levels, integrates each branch via element-by-element multiplication or addition, and then filters the irrelevant information in the features via a convolution operation. DO-Conv can accelerate the convergence of the network and improve the generalizability of the model, thereby improving the training speed of the model. Finally, the features at different levels are fed into the anchorless frame-based prediction head for STAD.
Comparative detection results between EAD and existing algorithms were analyzed for the public datasets UCF101-24 and atomic visual actions (AVA) version 2.2. For the UCF101-24 dataset, frame-mAP, video-mAP, frame per second(FPS), GFLOPs, and Params are used as evaluation metrics to assess the accuracy and spatial-temporal complexity of the model. For the AVA dataset, frame-mAP and GFLOPs are used as evaluation metrics. In this work, ablation experiments on the EAD model are performed on the UCF101-24 dataset. The frame-mAP is 79.52%, and the video-mAP is 49.29% after the addition of the MSFFU, which are improvements of 0.41% and 0.14%, respectively, from the baseline. The frame-mAP is 80.96%, and the video-mAP is 49.72% after the addition of the LSDAM, which are improvements of 1.85% and 0.57%, respectively, from the baseline. The final model of the EAD frame-mAP is 80.93%, the video-mAP is 50.41%, the FPS is 53 f/s, the number of GFLOPs is 2.77, and the number of parameters is 10.92 M, which are improvements of 1.82% and 1.26%, respectively, compared with the baseline frame-averaged accuracy and video-averaged accuracy. The leakage and misdetection phenomenon of the baseline method also improved. In addition, EAD is compared with existing real-time STAD algorithms, in which the frame-mAP is improved by 0.53% and 0.43%, and the GFLOPs are reduced by 40.93 and 0.13 compared with those of YOWO and YOWOv2, respectively. On the AVA dataset, the frame-mAP and GFLOPs reach 13.74% and 2.77, respectively, for an input frame count of 16; moreover, the frame-mAP and GFLOPs reach 15.92% and 4.4%, respectively, for an input frame count of 32. Compared with other mainstream methods, EAD uses a lighter backbone network to achieve lower computational costs while achieving impressive results.
This study proposes an STAD model called EAD, which is based on a two-stream network, to address the problems of missing global contextual information about actors’ interactions and the poor characterization of fused features. The results of the experimental results of the proposed model on the UCF101-24 and AVA datasets verify its robustness and effectiveness in STAD tasks by comparing it with the baseline and current mainstream methods. The proposed model can also be applied to the fields of intelligent monitoring, automatic driving, intelligent medical care, and other fields.
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