Decoupled triple-stage enhancement network for non-homogeneous image dehazing
- 2025年30卷第1期 页码:83-94
纸质出版日期: 2025-01-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.240069
纸质出版日期: 2025-01-16 ,
刘春晓, 胡鹏靖, 厉世昌, 王成骅, 凌云. 面向非均质图像去雾的解耦合三阶段增强网络[J]. 中国图象图形学报, 2025,30(1):83-94.
LIU CHUNXIAO, HU PENGJING, LI SHICHANG, WANG CHENGHUA, LING YUN. Decoupled triple-stage enhancement network for non-homogeneous image dehazing. [J]. Journal of image and graphics, 2025, 30(1): 83-94.
在3个数据集上与14种方法进行了对比实验,本文方法在NHD(non-homogeneous dataset)数据集上得到了最优结果,相比于性能第2的模型,平均峰值信噪比提升了8.5 dB,平均结构相似性提升了0.12;在Real-World数据集中,本文方法的感知雾密度预测值为0.47,雾密度估计值为0.21,均处于前列;在SOTS(synthetic object testing set)数据集中,本文方法的平均峰值信噪比为16.52 dB,平均结构相似性为0.80,在人眼感知效果方面不输于已有方法。
The absorption or scattering effect of microscopic particles in the atmosphere, such as aerosols, soot, and haze, will reduce image contrast, blur image details, and cause color distortion. These problems can decrease the accuracy of subsequent advanced computer vision tasks, such as object detection and image segmentation. Therefore, image dehazing has attracted increasing attention, and various image dehazing methods have been proposed. The ultimate goal of image dehazing is to recover a haze-free image from the input hazy image. At present, existing image dehazing algorithms can be divided into two categories: traditional dehazing algorithms based on image prior and image dehazing algorithms based on deep learning. The image priori-based dehazing algorithm uses the prior information and empirical rules of the image itself to estimate the transmittance map and atmospheric light value, and it utilizes the atmospheric scattering model to realize the image dehazing process. This approach can improve the contrast of the image to a certain extent but easily leads to excessive enhancement or color distortions in the dehazed results. Driven by a large amount of image data, the image dehazing algorithm based on deep learning can flexibly learn the mapping from hazy image to haze-free images by directly constructing an efficient convolutional neural network and obtain dehazed effects with better generalization performance and human visual perception. However, because of domain differences, the image dehazing algorithm trained on the synthesized homogeneous haze dataset usually has difficulty achieving satisfactory results on heterogeneous hazy images in the real world.
Haze will reduce the contrast of the image and make it look blurry. Thus, we train the network (i.e., the contrast enhancement module) with the brightness map of the hazy image and the brightness map corresponding to the clear image as the training image pairs, which effectively enhances the contrast of the brightness map and obtains the brightness enhancement map with a clear image structure and details. Furthermore, we calculate the gradient differences of the brightness maps before and after the contrast enhancement process and estimate the haze density information in the hazy images to guide saturation enhancement of the hazy images. Therefore, we propose an end-to-end decoupled triple-stage enhancement network for the heterogeneous haze dehazing task, which decouples the input hazy image with color space conversion into three channels, i.e., brightness, saturation, hues. Our algorithm first enhances the contrast of the brightness map through the contrast enhancement module so that the dehazed result holds clear structure and detail information. Then, it enhances the saturation channel of the image through the saturation enhancement module so that the dehazed result takes on a more vivid color. Finally, the color correction and enhancement module is used to fine-tune the overall color of the image so that the final dehazed result will be more in line with human visual perception. In particular, we design a haze density coding matrix in the saturation enhancement module and estimate the haze density information of the hazy image by calculating the gradient differences of the brightness maps before and after the contrast enhancement process. This step will provide guidance for the saturation enhancement module to ensure the accuracy of saturation recovery. The U-Net network structure exhibits superior performance in image enhancement tasks. Thus, we choose U-Net as the backbone network of our contrast and saturation enhancement modules and obtain multi-scale information of images through the encoder and decoder structure for better dehazing results. For the color correction and enhancement module, we only need to fine-tune the previously enhanced image results, which is why we only use a simple network with convolutional layers and skip connections to prevent the loss of image information with upsampling and downsampling operations.
Compared with the second best-performing model in performance, the average peak signal-to-noise ratio is increased by 8.5 dB and the average structural similarity is increased by 0.12. Our perceived fog density prediction value is 0.47 and the estimated haze density is 0.21 in the real-world dataset, both of which rank first. In the SOTS dataset, our average peak signal-to-noise ratio is 16.52 dB and the average structural similarity is 0.80, which are comparable to the existing algorithms in terms of human visual perception.
Through a series of subjective and objective experimental comparisons, the experimental results show that our algorithm has excellent processing ability for non-homogeneous hazy images and can effectively restore the real details and colors of hazy images.
deep learningnon-homogeneous image dehazingsaturation enhancementcontrast enhancementtriple-stage enhancementhaze density coding matrix
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