Multi-modality feature fusion-based wide field-of-view image generation
- 2025年30卷第1期 页码:173-187
纸质出版日期: 2025-01-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.240056
纸质出版日期: 2025-01-16 ,
姜智颖, 张曾翕, 刘晋源, 刘日升. 多模态数据特征融合的广角图像生成[J]. 中国图象图形学报, 2025,30(1):173-187.
JIANG ZHIYING, ZHANG ZENGXI, LIU JINYUAN, LIU RISHENG. Multi-modality feature fusion-based wide field-of-view image generation. [J]. Journal of image and graphics, 2025, 30(1): 173-187.
本文选择包含530对可拼接多模态图像的真实数据集以及包含200对合成数据集作为测试数据,选取了3个最新的融合方法,包括RFN(residual fusion network)、ReCoNet(recurrent correction network)和DATFuse(dual attention transformer),以及7个拼接方法,包括APAP(as projective as possible)、SPW(single-perspective warps)、WPIS(wide parallax image stitching)、SLAS(seam-guided local alignment and stitching)、VFIS(view-free image stitching)、RSFI(reconstructing stitched features to images)和UDIS++(unsupervised deep image stitching)组成的21种融合—拼接策略进行了定性和定量的性能对比。在拼接性能上,本文方法实现了准确的跨视角场景对齐,平均角点误差降低了53%,避免了鬼影的出现;在多模态互补信息整合方面,本文方法能自适应兼顾红外图像的结构信息以及可见光图像的丰富纹理细节,信息熵较DATFuse-UDIS++策略提升了24.6%。
Image stitching, a cornerstone in the field of computer vision, is dedicated to assembling a comprehensive field-of-view image by merging visible data captured from multiple vantage points within a specific scene. This fusion enhances scene perception and facilitates advanced processing. The current state-of-the-art in image stitching primarily hinges on the detection of feature points within the scene, necessitating their dense and uniform distribution throughout the image. However, these approaches encounter significant challenges in outdoor environments or when applied to military equipment, where adverse weather conditions such as rain, haze, and low light can severely degrade the quality of visible images. This degradation impedes the extraction of feature points, a critical step in the stitching process. Furthermore, factors such as camouflage and occlusion can lead to data loss, disrupting the distribution of feature points and thus compromising the quality of the stitched image. These limitations often manifest as ghosting effects, undermining the effectiveness of the stitching and its robustness in practical applications. In this challenging context, infrared sensors, which detect thermal radiation to image scenes, emerge as a robust alternative. They excel in highlighting targets even under unfavorable conditions, mitigating the impact of environmental and human factors. This capability makes them highly valuable in military surveillance applications. However, a significant drawback of thermal imaging is its inability to capture the rich texture details that are abundant in visible images. These details are crucial for an accurate and comprehensive perception of the scene.
This paper proposes a groundbreaking image stitching algorithm to overcome the limitations inherent in conventional visible image stitching and to extend the applicability of stitching technology across various environments. This algorithm is based on the fusion of features from multi-modality images, specifically, infrared and visible images. By exploiting the complementary characteristics of infrared and visible data, our approach integrates the precise structural features of infrared images with the rich, detailed attributes of visible images. This integration is crucial for achieving accurate homography matrix estimation for scenes viewed from multiple angles. A distinctive aspect of our method is the incorporation of a learnable feature pyramid structure. This structure is instrumental in estimating sparse offsets in a gradual, coarse-to-fine manner, thus deriving the deformation matrix through a non-parametric direct linear transformation. An innovative aspect of our approach is the fusion of stitched infrared and visible data to enrich the perceptual information of the generated scene. This fusion process entails mining deep features of the scene for contextual semantic information while also utilizing shallow features to address the deficiencies in upsampled data. This strategy aims to produce more accurate and reliable fused results.
We selected a real-world dataset comprising 530 pairs of stitchable multi-modal images and a synthetic dataset containing 200 pairs of data as test datasets. It compared the qualitative and quantitative performance of 21 fusion stitching strategies, incorporating three of the latest fusion methods — namely, residual fusion network, recurrent correction network, and dual-attention transformer (DATFuse) — and seven stitching methods — namely, as projective as possible, single-perspective warps, wide parallax image stitching, seam-guided local alignment and stitching, view-free image stitching, reconstructing stitched features to images, and unsupervised deep image stitching (UDIS++). In terms of stitching performance, our method achieved accurate cross-view scene alignment, with an average corner error reduced by 53%, preventing ghosting and abnormal distortion, even outperforming existing feature-point-based stitching algorithms in challenging large-baseline scenarios. With regard to the integration of multi-modal complementary information, our method adaptively balanced the robust imaging capability of infrared images to highlight structural information and the rich texture details of visible images, resulting in an information entropy increase of 24.6% compared with the DATFuse-UDIS++ strategy, demonstrating significant advantages.
The proposed infrared and visible-based image stitching method marks a significant advancement in the field of computer vision. It effectively addresses the limitations of traditional image stitching methods, particularly under adverse environmental conditions. Moreover, it broadens the scope of stitching technology, making it more versatile and applicable in diverse settings. The combination of infrared and visible imagery in this algorithm could revolutionize scene perception and processing, especially in military and outdoor applications where accuracy, detail, and robustness are of utmost importance. Furthermore, the algorithm’s ability to fuse different types of data opens up new avenues for research and application. It suggests potential uses in other fields such as environmental monitoring, search-and-rescue operations, and even in artistic and creative domains where novel visual representations are sought. The fusion technique employed in our algorithm not only enhances the visual quality of the stitched images but also adds a layer of information that could be vital in critical applications such as surveillance and reconnaissance. It effectively addresses the key challenges of traditional image stitching, particularly under adverse environmental conditions, and demonstrates superior performance over existing methods. This advancement not only enhances our ability to perceive and process scenes more effectively but also paves the way for future innovations in image processing and analysis.
multi-modality image fusionimage stitchingconvolutional neural network(CNN)infrared and visible imagesmulti-scale pyramid
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