Knowledge-enhanced feature editing reconstruction distillation
- 2025年30卷第1期 页码:161-172
纸质出版日期: 2025-01-16
DOI: 10.11834/jig.230890
纸质出版日期: 2025-01-16 ,
宋涛, 张景涛, 李沩沩, 赵明富, 冉璐, 叶定兴, 杨贻晨, 岳岱衡. 知识增强的特征编辑重建蒸馏[J]. 中国图象图形学报, 2025,30(1):161-172.
SONG TAO, ZHANG JINGTAO, LI WEIWEI, ZHAO MINGFU, RAN LU, YE DINGXING, YANG YICHEN, YUE DAIHENG. Knowledge-enhanced feature editing reconstruction distillation. [J]. Journal of image and graphics, 2025, 30(1): 161-172.
实验在两个数据集上采用基于ResNet50(residual network)的RetinaNet(retina network)、Faster R-CNN(faster region-based convolutional neural network)、FCOS(fully convolutional one-stage object detection)3种不同类型的检测器与最新的4种方法进行了比较,VOC2007(visual object classes 2007)测试集的平均精度均值(mean average precision,mAP)对比基线分别提高了2.1%、2.7%和3.8%;NEU-DET(Northeastern University surface defect database)测试集的mAP对比基线分别提高了2.7%、2.6%和2.1%,均高于当前性能最优的算法。
In recent years, convolutional neural networks have had great potential in various fields of computer vision due to their excellent feature extraction ability. As the performance of the model increases, the size of the model becomes increasingly bloated, and the large number of parameters makes its inference speed slow. Even with the help of GPU acceleration, the real-time demand of many application scenarios cannot be met. In addition, the occupied memory and storage space increase the cost of use. As a result, these large models are difficult to deploy and run on mobile devices or embedded platforms with limited arithmetic power and storage space, restricting their promotion. Therefore, how to compress large deep neural network models is a key issue. Knowledge distillation is a simple and effective model compression method. Unlike the idea of model pruning or parameter quantization, knowledge distillation is essentially a special model training method. It does not directly make changes to the model structure or parameters; rather, it compresses the volume without changing the model structure and parameters. It is also used in model training to learn the hard labels in the training set aside from the hard labels in the training set and guide the teacher’s model by using the teacher’s model classification. In addition to learning the hard labels in the training set, we use the classification output of the teacher’s model as soft labels to guide the learning of the student model so that the hidden “dark knowledge” in the teacher’s model, which is powerful but has a bloated network structure, is transferred to the student’s model. The student’s model has a relatively simple network structure and a smaller parameter volume. This knowledge transfer enables the student’s model, which has fewer model parameters and a faster reasoning speed, to achieve comparable accuracy with the teacher’s model, thus achieving model compression. However, the target detection task requires classifying the target and outputting the specific position of the target in the picture. This step is not possible just by learning the labels output from the teacher’s model. Therefore, the traditional knowledge distillation method used for classification does not work well on the target detection task. Moreover, the network structure of the detector is more complex, so existing knowledge distillation methods based on the target detection task usually let the features of the student model directly learn the features of the teacher model for distillation instead of learning the labels of the teacher. Existing methods also have multiple limitations. Therefore, a new knowledge distillation method applicable to the target detection task is proposed, i.e., feature editing reconstruction distillation based on knowledge enhancement, to achieve effective compression of the target detection model.
Two modules are constructed to address two common problems of the current knowledge distillation methods for the target detection task: 1) knowledge enhancement module and 2) feature editing and reconstruction module. To address the problem in which the existing methods distill only between the corresponding feature layers of the teacher’s model and the student’s model, which cannot fully utilize the hidden “dark knowledge” in the teacher’s model, the knowledge enhancement module is introduced to enhance the knowledge of the teacher’s model through spatial attention and channel attention, respectively. Therefore, the knowledge enhancement module is introduced to perform bottom-up and top-down multi-scale feature fusion of teacher features through spatial attention and channel attention, respectively, for knowledge enhancement. As the performance of the teacher model continues to improve, the ability gap between students and teachers becomes increasingly larger, and the trend of performance enhancement of the student model gradually reaches saturation or even decreases. The feature edit reconstruction module is used to construct a new distillation paradigm to fuse some features of the teacher’s model into the features of the student’s model as a priori knowledge to narrow the representation capability gap between the teacher’s model and the student’s model. This module then randomly deletes detailed information such as edges and contours of the student model’s features through a pixel-level mask to realize feature editing, and then forces the student model to use the remaining features in combination with the a priori knowledge through a simple convolutional block to recover the deleted detail information for feature reconstruction, and in the process of model learning to optimize the quality of the reconstructed feature maps, the student’s original feature maps are back-propagated through feature reconstruction, thus learning features with stronger representational capabilities.
Experiments were conducted based on three different types of detectors:retina network(RetinaNet), faster region-based convolutional neural network(Faster R-CNN), and fully convolutional one-stage object detection(FCOS),on the generalized target detection dataset visual object classes 2007(VOC2007) and the steel surface defects dataset Northeastern University surface defect database(NEU-DET) by using the teacher’s model, student’s model of ResNet101-ResNet50. First, feature map visualization found that the feature map of the distilled detector responds significantly less to the background noise information and pays more attention to the foreground critical region. A comparison of the visualization of the detection results show the distilled detector significantly improves the situation of misdetection and omission. An evaluation of the detection results using the mAP metrics shows that the mAP comparison baselines for the VOC2007 test set improved by 2.1%, 2.7%, and 3.8%, respectively, and the mAP comparison baselines for the NEU-DET test set improved by 2.7%, 2.6%, and 2.1%, respectively.
In this study, a new knowledge distillation method for target detection task is proposed, and experimental results show that this method can significantly improve the focus of the detector feature map on the key target region and reduce the interference of noise. Thus, the false detection and leakage rate is reduced, and the accuracy improvement is better than that of several state-of-the-art algorithms. The proposed method is suitable for general target detection datasets and specialized defect detection datasets, with good generalization performance, and can be applied to many types of detectors at the same time.
model compressionknowledge distillationknowledge enhancementfeature reconstructiontarget detection
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