CNN-based remote sensing pan-sharpening: a critical review
- 2023年28卷第1期 页码:57-79
纸质出版日期: 2023-01-16 ,
录用日期: 2022-10-05
DOI: 10.11834/jig.220540
纸质出版日期: 2023-01-16 ,
录用日期: 2022-10-05
邓良剑, 冉燃, 吴潇, 张添敬. 遥感图像全色锐化的卷积神经网络方法研究进展[J]. 中国图象图形学报, 2023,28(1):57-79.
Liangjian Deng, Ran Ran, Xiao Wu, Tianjing Zhang. CNN-based remote sensing pan-sharpening: a critical review[J]. Journal of Image and Graphics, 2023,28(1):57-79.
The aim of pan-sharpening is focused on data acquisition and processing captured from multiple remote sensing satellites in terms of machine learning and signal processing techniques. To produce a high-qu
ality multispectral image
its objective is oriented to fuse a low spatial resolution-based multispectral (MS) image and a high spatial resolution-based panchromatic (PAN) image. Machine learning (ML) technique is being developed to deal with it. Pan-sharpening
a recent multispectral image-based image fusion technique
has been concerned about in terms of machine learning
which is featured by its medium/low spatial resolution. In recent years
remote sensing (RS) science
big data science and convolutional neural networks based (CNNs-based) techniques (a sub-category of ML)
have promoted image processing
computer vision and its contexts. Thanks to the priority of RS images-based pan-sharpening of fusion
CNN-oriented researches have been developing dramatically
but some challenging issues are required to be handled
such as the detailed introduction to typical pan-sharpening CNNs
data simulation
feasible and open training-test datasets
simple and easy-to-understand unified code writing framework
etc. So
we mainly review the growth of CNNs for RS-based pan-sharpening from 5 aspects as following: 1) detailed introduction of 7 CNN-based pan-sharpening methods and comparative analysis are given out under the datasets-coordinated; 2) the simulation of training-test datasets is introduced in details. We intend to release the pan-sharpening datasets of related satellites (such as WorldView-3
WorldView-2 satellites); 3) for all 7 CNN-based methods introduced
Python codes-based on Pytorch library is released in a framework-integrated to facilitate the completeness and feasibility further; 4) a pan-sharpening-unified MATLAB software package is demonstrated for the test of deep-learning and traditional approaches
which is beneficial to conduct balancing tests; and 5) future research direction is predicted as well. Please click the link for project details:
. First
CNN-based techniques have proven to have good performance under the similar situations. But
the performance has decreased when a complete different situation is employed (such as in contrast with existing contemporary methods)
a limitation of these approaches are challenged. Next
the fine-tuning technique has demonstrated its effectiveness in resolving the problem mentioned above
ensuring better performance for these complicated test scenarios. Compared to the quickest speed conventional methods
the computing load of the studied CNN-based algorithms can be determined as an appropriate manner during the testing phase. Finally
we recommend that a novel design of CNN-based pan-sharpening methods. The skip connection operation can aid ML-based methods in achieving a faster convergence when it is focused on the analyzed CNN-based pan-sharpening approaches. Instead
a stronger feature extraction and learning can be supported by the design of multi-scaled architectures (including the bidirectional structure even). Furthermore
the capacity of the generalized networks can be improved using a fine-tuning technique and learning in a customized domain (instead of the original image domain). However
there are still some problems to be resolved. The computational weight problem is challenged to create networks with fewer parameters so as to guarantee network performance (even achieving a quick convergence). Furthermore
the recent advancements in CNN for pan-sharpening have a restricted capacity for generalization. A lower resolution-based initial vision is beneficial to provide labels for network training. As a result
loss functions-based techniques (unsupervised) have been developed in evaluating similarities at full resolution. The future research is potential to be developed for full resolution further.
pansharpeningconvolutional neural network(CNN)comparison of typical CNN methodsdatasets releasingcoding-framework releasingpansharpening survey
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